June 11th 2005
What, updates two days in a row? Wow.
Winter of Glory
Fake Snow
More to come later boys and girls. Don't worry, there's lots.

June 10th 2005
So the galleries are slowly coming back online. Peep here to see them:
Halloween 2003
Spring and Summer 1999
Don't worry, there's much more to come. I'm just a bit busy with school and moving right now, but I intend on doing a FULL and COMPLETE update. Big things still to come.

May 30th 2005

ATTN: I'm mid process of major website renovations. Much of the content has been removed until the update is complete. Look for a fresh looking site in June. There will be a huge amount of new content as well. I've been sitting on stuff for the last few years and it's about to all come out. Should be sick. Check back around late June.

April 22nd 2005

Well, I'm done exams and so I have a little time to write some thoughts out. I've gots lots to say. Now that summer is here, and I'm actually going to be at home for it, I actually will be doing work on this site. I'm going to keep it simple, but content full. Lots of my rants and thoughts. But also lots of new photos. I have much video footage I'd love to post, but that would constrain this websites bandwidth too much.

WSI was quite a spectacular event. TJ won slopestyle, Dave Weale came in second in the rail jam, Charley Ager won his slopestyle qualifying heat, and I charlie-horsed myself in a real dumbass move to put me out of contention. Spins. Whatevs. The weekend out with the boys was rad and we paraded around the village, drum and guitar in hand, as we collected a mass of people for a improptu concert that roamed the village and skatepark. It was something out of stomp and light poles, sticks, and pop machines were all used as instruments. Wow.

The Beachies Classic cliff jumping competition will be hosted at Lions Bay sometime this July. Details are still being worked out, but it's going to be an open jam competition with prizes for those who impress. It's a pretty low key event that I want to build up eventually. This year, I just want to assemble the loyal soldiers of Lions Bay and have a huckfest where the unknowns gather and get to see what everyone has got. If it goes well, I'll try to host another event at Brohm lake in August. I will also have two trampolines and a pool at my new home in Vancouver, so I may even host an invitational event there too. Haha, we'll see.

Well, I'll let you guys learn more as I do too. Peace.